Friday, April 26, 2013

Jealousy + H7N9

My sister was jealous of me because my mom are more taking care about me. Whenever my mom ask me 'what you want to eat for dinner?' and my sister will say 'why you always asking your son but not asking me?' According to my mom, this is not the first time that she compare me with herself, saying that my parents are giving me all the things i want. Sometime she said something ironic 'no money? go ask money from your bank lar (my parents), they sure will give you', and i just keep my mouth shut. Why do we need to compare? The living condition is different now compare with 10 years before. The things that we cant afford last time, but now we do. Is not my parents treat everyone different, they are just look at every child's living condition; my brother was married and he have his own business, my second elder sister are working bank, both of them are getting salary every month. I am not working and going for internship, of course my parents have to take care of me still. what to do? I just keep quiet.

I was reading daily newspaper justnow, an article saying that  H7N9 is spreading in north side of Taiwan (Taipei). The place that i going on July is just 1 hour distance from Taipei. Hmm...

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