Saturday, May 25, 2013


O.M.G, it is so surprise that having Kamen Rider fair in Malaysia! So far I only noticed this kind of fair are normally held in Taiwan or Singapore. But now in Malaysia! I am so happy that my boyfriend will take me to the fair together on next Saturday.

Not much to update in blog cus lately i am so busy with the thesis, and the due date is just around the corner, so u know college life....rushing in last minute!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Gengson你好。我是Edward,很冒昧写这短讯给你,请别见怪。
我是因为在网上找sea monkey的资料而知道了你的blog.
哇塞!你的sea monkey collection很丰富!:)
我想要买些sea monkey的组合给我的儿子,但是很遗憾在新加波又没有得卖。
(他很喜欢sea monkey,却一直没有机会拥有,因为网上购买很昂贵)
我因为下个星期一起会带他到吉隆坡,希望能到任何店里找到的话,或许买可以低价一点,想要买些sea monkey组合给我孩子给他一个惊喜。
知道你身在吉隆坡,就想请教一下,不知道方不方便透露一下在吉隆坡那里地址可以买得到sea monkey?有朋友二手店也可以。真的很希望你能帮一下email 或是手机短讯。
我的手机号码是: 新加坡 (65) 9387 4824 。不知你方便能留个手机号码我到吉隆坡方便联系。
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your precious time, and the patience. Looking forward to your happy reply! 
Edward - Pls excuse my bad Chinese writing. 华文半桶水,请别见怪。
(65) 9387 4824